Monday, September 19, 2011


Continuing from . . . 

Chapter 3.  The Worlds of Senses

          H contains six sense receptors:

r1, eyes to see;  r2, ears to hear;  r3, nose to smell;
r4, tongue to taste;  r5, body to touch;
r6, mind to recall and imagine.

Let E1E2E3E4E5, and E6 be the sets of the corresponding sense objects of r1r2, r3, r4, r5, and r6, respectively.  Each ri (where i = 1,2,3,4,5,6) can be thought of as a mapping (possibly multivalued) from the set Ei into the set N1i X N2i X N3j (where j = 1,2,3).  That is, if x ∈ Ei, then ri(x) = (y, z, w) where y  N1i, z  N2i, and w  N3j.  For example, when the eyes (r1) see something (x  E1), eye-consciousness (y  N11), perception pertaining to the eyes (z  N21), and eye-related sensation/feeling (w  N3j) arise and the sensation/feeling is pleasant for the case j = 1.
          Define the set   (“Internal World of Senses”) and the set  E  (“External World of Senses”) as follows:

       I  =  (N11 X N21 X N31) U (N12 X N22 X N31) U (N13 X N23 X N31)
     U (N14 X N24 X N31) U (N15 X N25 X N31) U (N16 X N26 X N31)
     U (N11 X N21 X N32) U (N12 X N22 X N32) U (N13 X N23 X N32)
     U (N14 X N24 X N32) U (N15 X N25 X N32) U (N16 X N26 X N32)
     U (N11 X N21 X N33) U (N12 X N22 X N33) U (N13 X N23 X N33)
     U (N14 X N24 X N33) U (N15 X N25 X N33) U (N16 X N26 X N33)


  =   E1  U  E2  U  E3  U  E4  U  E5  U  E6.

If we set

X   =   D  –  I  –  E

and solve for D, we obtain

  =   I  U  E  U  X.

Now, if we stipulate that X = Ø, we have an “anthropocentric partition” for D:

  =   I  U  E.

An argument that can be given for X to be empty is that any dhamma not detectable by the physical five senses is certainly comprehensible by the sixth sense.  Our approach is to not make the assumption and leave the issue to future proof and/or discovery.

Continuing to . . . 

Back to the beginning . . . 

For discussion, go to . . . 

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